Dan Gough was born in New Jersey, but left New Jersey in 1961 to seek his fortune in California. After graduating from UCLA in 1966 he escaped the draft by entering the Air Force and obtaining a commission as a second lieutenant in 1967.  In his book, the Final FIGMO, he recounts his 10-year saga in the Air Force with a great amount of humor and a large degree of irreverence. During this 10-year saga he recounts his assignments in Oklahoma, Vietnam, Thailand, Washington, D.C., Illinois, and his final stop in New Mexico. During his AF tenure he found the woman of his dreams (Josh) and married her in 1971,  and also managed to squeeze in a masters degree (MBA) at the University of Connecticut under an Air Force sponsored continuing education program. After leaving the Air Force in 1976, he joined the computer/electronics industry for the next 30+ years. He recounts many of  his adventures in the fast-paced computer industry, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in a future book, "Eleven to One is a Tie." Dan is currently retired and lives in Greenville, S.C. with his wife, Josh. Their two daughters are grown and living their own exciting lives. They dearly love visiting their two adorable grandchildren as often as they can travel to Richmond. Dan is also an active with volunteer group at the local V.A. and has taught computer classes at the Senior Action Center and GED classes at the Greenville Literacy Association while enjoying photography as a hobby.