Denial of Service

I probably won't win any of my liberal friends with this post, but that is not my goal.  I am troubled by the denial of service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders at a restaurant in Lexington, VA. on Friday night.  I have no use for Trump's policies or the team that supports his amoral behavior.  However, when as a public business you start discriminating, it is a very slippery slope.  Sure, I get the anger of the restaurant owner, I feel it every day when I read the news and watch the childish, amateurish behavior of the current administration.  But, if public businesses discriminates against anybody with whom they disagree, where does it stop?  I live in S.C. a particularly  Red State.  If I have a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker, can the local service station deny me the right to fill my gas tank because he thinks Trump was sent by God?  Is this any different from a bakery refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple?  I think not.  I think the owner needs to 'suck it up,' because that's what running a public business is all about.  Hell, I can even get behind the owner politely telling SHS that she unalterably opposes her position on about everything, but then proceed to provide the same level of service as every other customer.  I believe this situation was little different from the scene in the Washington Mexican restaurant when Kristjen Nielsen was heckled out of the restaurant.  As I understand it, this was not a management denying service, but an angry group of customers.  It is more difficult to control private citizens voicing their anger than an owner taking unilateral decisions on who to serve or not serve.  These are very emotional times for sure, but when you are a public establishment civility and maturity needs to be high on your list of business practices.