Morning Coffee with Dan - Neither rain, nor hail, nor sleet...

As I sip my reheated coffee this morning, I am pissed at another one of Trump's mismanagement forays - this time with the U.S. Post Office. After three days of receiving no mail, I realized that his tampering is having significant impact on our lifestyle.

Let's see, what can we screw with now to mess up the lives of average citizens? While I go wasting time attacking TikTok, millions of unemployed citizens face evictions and a food crisis because my lemmings in Congress are worried about the budget I fucked up with my ill-conceived tax reform. Maybe I'll distract them with my continuing attack on the post office and TikTok and they won't realize what a management disaster I am. A recent Gallup poll showed that 74% of Americans rate the post office as excellent or good as opposed to 60% for NASA or dare I say, 50% for the IRS.

Trump has already neutered the CDC because he "can't handle the truth," converted the Justice Department into his private law firm, put incompetents in charge of the Education, HHS, and Energy Departments, hallowed out the State Department, and converted half of Homeland Security into domestic Storm Troopers, and now has taken his feud with Jeff Bezos to a new level at the USPS.

Unfortunately, his party loyalist, Louis DeJoy, who is now 'running' the Post Office is committed to doing Cheeto's bidding in his campaign to screw-up the country before he loses the election. I'm not particularly upset that I don't receive the latest flyer from Burger King or Macy's, but when my medications from the VA are late, things can get pretty tense. 330,000 veterans receive prescriptions by mail EVERY DAY, so we are not talking about junk mail here. I don't know how many elderly and infirm depend on the mail for medications, but I bet it is at least equivalent to the VA numbers, not to mention checks and financial documents needed to survive on the Animal Farm.

In addition to his spat with Bezos, we know that Cheeto is trying to discredit mail service to blunt vote-by-mail efforts in many states - Florida excepted, in deference to their Red governor. It is pretty easy to discredit the service when you put an assassin in place to undermine the operation. When does all this shit stop? What are we going to attack next week? The National Weather Service because it rained when Cheeto wanted to play golf? The National Park Service because a bear shit in the woods? Can't we move up the election? I'm not a big fan of instability, and we sure as hell have enough to last awhile without creating more havoc.

On that note, I'm throwing a bagel into the toaster this morning.