Morning Coffee with Dan - A Very, Very Powerful Strategy is On Its Way

As I am savoring my DD brew this morning, I am shaking my head at Cheeto's Coronavirus briefing yesterday. Although I did not plan to watch it, my wife had a news station on and they switched over to his update, so I stayed.

The one point that really stuck in my craw was his boastful statement that ... "We are in the process of developing a strategy that’s going to be very, very powerful.” What I find so incredible about this simple one sentence statement is that after six months we don't have a plan or strategy, and now he is touting the development of one - a very, very powerful one. If this isn't a commentary on mismanagement, I would be hard pressed to come up with one that better explains why we are where we are.

I would think that he would be updating us on how we are doing on our plan to reduce the flare up of cases in the many states where we have seen an exponential growth. To suggest in the midst of this scenario that we are now developing a very powerful strategy is an amazing admission of monumental ignorance, if not gross negligence.

He finally did get around to supporting the wearing of masks as well as social distancing. Maybe this is part of his powerful new strategy - embrace the guidance of his medical advisers. Amazing display of hypocrisy to support wearing masks after holding two rallies in pandemic hot spots while eschewing face masks and mocking those who did. He does all of this with a straight face. I wonder if some of his red state governors are going to feel abandoned on this issue after making such a big deal out of wearing masks in their respective states. I wonder if the GA governor, Brian Kemp, is going to pull his lawsuit against Atlanta mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms for mandating masks?

Lastly, it should be noted that he did not have any medical experts on stage with him, even his notable medical sycophant, Dr. Birx. One would think that in a medical crisis Cheeto would include some authorities with credibility to participate in the update. Clearly, he can't be naive enough to believe he has any medical credibility especially after suggesting the consumption of disinfectant or injection of a UV light up your ass.

I'm sure many of his base were pleased and perhaps even impressed with the update. I'm not counted among those in either category.

I'm ready for more joe this morning.