Trump is Lacking the Humanity Needed to be a Leader

You know, that I can actually deal with Donald Trump’s singsong speaking style. I can tolerate his lack of knowledge about the most common subjects; actually, I find some of his gaffs amusing at times. I can deal with his poor dress and abysmal public image. I can even accept his never ending golf outings; actually, I think it is better when he is somewhere else besides Washington. What I cannot tolerate in any way whatsoever is his lack of humanity. Humanity in my context is compassion, tolerance, and goodness. He is so void of humanity that it pollutes everything he says and touches. 

I grew up expecting our leaders to be inspiring, especially when things did not go well – I lived through the Korean War, Vietnam, assassinations of MLK, JFK and Robert Kennedy, Dessert Storm, Invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, countless natural disasters, economic recessions, and on and on. One thing I did see and, yes, expect, was a leader who told us ‘everything was going to be OK, just follow my lead.’

What we have today is a mockery masquerading as a leader. Leaders don’t tweet and insult everyone with whom they disagree; they seek accommodation and compromise. Leaders don’t mock and belittle. They educate and clarify. Leaders don’t attack every issue or person they disagree with; they seek the high ground. Leaders don’t constantly inflate their self-importance and ego; they display a modesty that befits the office. They admit they don’t know everything but are eager to learn more.

Trump is so lacking the basic personality characteristics that make a person a leader and the humanity that is required to lead, I am astounded that his support and approval ever reaches double digits. The sad part of this commentary is that you get what you see. At 73, the die is cast. His personally flaws are so ingrained that he will always insult, belittle, attack and inflate his ego. The only fix is on November 3, 2020.