Morning Coffee with Dan - Testing is "Overrated"

As I am sipping my very strong House Blend Gevalia, I am shaking my head. My consternation is about Cheeto's comments on Caronavirus testing.

Every time I think Cheeto says something unbelievably moronic which can't be topped, he takes the challenge and comes up with something out of Alice and Wonderland. Yesterday's comment about virus testing may top the all-time list. To quote - I'm not making this shit up - "‘When you test, you have a case. When you test you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases." Really? If we never bought anything, we would have much more money too. This one statement, IMHO, says it all.

He is not about the core science - never has been. I think the experts suggest test, confirm, isolate, and recover. It is obvious that he is about the numbers game. He was that way when he didn't want the Grand Princess cruise ship to dock because their COVID 19 cases would make the case numbers go up in the US. Let's not isolate and treat the victims, let's manipulate the numbers. Yesterday's quote show that Bone Spurs has learned nothing in the ensuing months. We don't need testing - it is overrated - because you won't have any cases if your don't test.

I am a type II diabetic so I test my blood glucose level several times a day I think I just found a way to stop taking my insulin. If I don't test my blood every day, I won't have diabetes, ergo, I can stop my insulin. Damn, why didn't I think of that. No testing, no diabetes.

For those who don't think testing is overrated, remember that in November.

I'm getting another cup of coffee, and I just might need to put a shot of Cognac in it.