Morning Coffee with Dan - No More Diversity Training

As I enjoy a fresh cup of joe this morning, I am wondering to what lengths Cheeto will go to pander to his base. His latest target is "diversity training."

Cheeto is now prohibiting federal agencies from conducting cultural sensitivity training because, according to the report, they are “divisive, anti-American propaganda.” Diversity training that focus on educating participants about white privilege, critical race theory and the racist origins of the United States apparently create “division and resentment” among federal employees.

I remember when I worked at Digital Equipment multi-cultural training was considered an essential part of the management development objective of the company. When we formed the new management team while building our new plant in South Carolina, the entire staff flew to San Francisco to attend an intense three-day workshop on 'cultural sensitivity.' Since the plant staff came from New England and had virtually no context of operating a plant in the South, the company wanted us to understand the cultural, ethnic, and racial environment, as well as the perspective of the local employees we were hiring. It was probably the most intense and effective training session I ever attended among the many that the company sponsored.

To suggest the such program is divisive and anti-American propaganda could only come from a person who has lived in a racial bubble his entire life and has no idea how to support and encourage multicultural sensitivity, much less promote actions to address the problems. I am relatively sure that much of his 'base' will applaud his position that the training is a waste of time as they close their minds to the notion that we have issues in this country that can be solved with more awareness as well as action to address racism and prejudice.

Enough said as I count the the days until we can get a real president in place.

On to a fresh bagel this morning with another cup of coffee.