Morning Coffee with Dan - A Bit Unhinged?

As I wait for my jalapeno bagel to toast this morning, I am thinking about Cheeto's interview with Laura Ingraham on Monday. If you weren't already worried about whether his elevator goes to the top floor, you should be after this interview.

When asked by Ingraham who is "pulling Biden's strings," Cheeto declared, "people you never heard of. People that are in the dark shadows." This response kind of suggests that maybe he is about to suggest they work in the basement of pizza parlor in Uzbekistan. Of course, he didn't name any of these people we never heard of. I guess the little voices in his head didn't reveal themselves. When pressed for details he said, "They’re people that are on the streets, they’re people that are controlling the streets.” He further went on to talk about somebody he knew "flying on a plane full of “thugs” who were wearing black uniforms." He provided no details of his mental meandering except that it was a plane 'from a certain city." Aren't they all from a 'certain city?'

His comments sound like something you might hear at a QAnon rally or hear on a Laura Ingraham podcast. I've always suspected that Laura was a few fruit loops shy of a full bowl so this interview was a little ironic for me. If you are looking for an intelligent, well-thought out line of thought from the man who holds our country's nuclear codes, this interview was far from reassuring. Were it a member of your own family, you might be planning an intervention by now.

I'm going to munch my bagels with another cup of coffee while I try to find out who these people are that I never heard of.