Morning Coffee with Dan - Get Ready for the Election Assault

As I sip my reheated java this morning I am getting my psyche ready for the bullshit that is about to be launched masquerading as an election dialog. The next 89 days will see an increasing number of personal attacks and a decreasing number of policy proposals to move the country ahead.

Here is my top 10 list of the attack themes we are seeing or will see in the coming weeks coming from the right wing sausage machine:
1. Kamala Harris is not ‘black enough.’ Her mother was from India, and her father was from Jamaica, so she isn’t really “African American,’ but some hybrid. Really guys? The party of white males is assessing diversity. She could be from Mars and would not be 'green' enough.
2. Kamala Harris is ineligible for VP role because she is not an American citizen. Neither of her parents were U.S. citizens when she was born in Oakland, CA. Another bogus ‘birther controversy’ a la Obama? Why are we wasting time on this one except to scrape a few votes from the lunatic fringe? No credible constitutional expert is even dignifying this assertion.
3. Kamala Harris doesn’t have enough experience to be the VP. She only has one partial term as a U.S. Senator. I guess being a District Attorney in Oakland, CA and Attorney General in the largest state in the union, in addition to being a U.S. Senator is not enough. Let’s remember Cheeto never served one day in an elected position when he started, which shows every day.
4. Biden and the Democrats will lead this country into socialism as they destroy our capitalistic heritage. How many times have you heard this one? The top 1% love the status quo, but the other 99% of us see much opportunity for improvement. Remember, virtually every significant social advance this country occurred under the Democrats, e.g., Medicare, Social Security, Child labor laws, Voting rights, etc. It is total scare tactic to defend a system that needs a lot more work.
5. Biden and the Democrats support a lawless agenda and will disband the police of this country. This could take more than one day to examine. Suffice it to say, “defund” is a red flag word for reforming and restructuring many of the law enforcement agencies that have gone awry and need to be improved for ALL citizens of this country.
6. “Sleepy Joe” lacks the mental acuity to be President. Really? This is coming from a President who biggest mental accomplishment is remembering “person, woman, man, camera, TV.” Instead of being congratulated for overcoming a speech impediment, Biden is mocked by the insensitive on the right who can’t hold a candle to his history of accomplishments.
7. Joe Biden and the Democrats will sell out the country to China. “Beijing Biden” is too chummy with the Chinese. This is coming from a President who is having an affair with Putin and is so beholding to the Russians that he won’t even challenge the bounties for allied soldiers scheme perpetrated by the Russians. I’ll skip over the part where Cheeto was embracing the Chinese and North Koreans when he thought it would win him votes and increase his personal wealth.
8. The Democrats will destroy middle class neighborhoods by allowing slum development everywhere in suburbia. This assault on Fair Housing is a classic right wing scare tactic. All the progressives of this country want is to ensure the terms of the Fair Housing Act prevent systemic racism in patterns of housing. Since when is treating people fairly a crime?
9. Joe Biden will take God out of our culture and disrespect our religious heritage. This is almost laughable from a President who can’t even recite a verse from the bible and holds it upside down in pictures. Joe Biden has been a practicing Catholic his entire life and regularly attends church. He further believes faith without action is unacceptable, unlike an incumbent we know.
10. A potpourri of red button issues that he will pull out of his lower anatomy like “he wants to take away your guns,” he wants to “let anyone enter the country without restrictions,” “the election is rigged because of voter fraud,” “the ACA is broken,” “the progressives want abortion on demand” and on and on. There will be no platform of ideas to move the country ahead but will be replaced by red button issue attacks that add nothing to the political narrative of this country except hate and divisiveness. Fiction will dominate over facts - be ready.

I hope you are ready to confront your right-wind Fox news junkies because it is coming. Trump is without morals and truth has always been MIA.

On that note I am heating the toaster oven for my bagel.