Morning Coffee with Dan - Let's Fly Blindly and See How that Goes

As I sip my java this morning, I wasn't going to make any observations. Unfortunately, after reading the news, I can't sit and just savor my brew.

I read where this so called 'administration wants to block funds for additional coronavirus testing and contact tracing in the new relief bill. When history looks back on these events, if we survive long enough to write history, it will be recounted as a text book example of incredible mismanagement. It will likely be used as the playbook for morons and incompetents.

Does any sane person really believe we can improved diabetes rates by no longer testing blood glucose levels, and we can reduce pregnancies by eliminating pregnancy tests or we can reduce breast cancer in the U.S. by eliminating mammograms? If you do, please stop reading at this point since I will be using words over two syllables for the rest of my rant.

Off the top of my head I can't think of many problems that can be effectively addressed with less data. Generally speaking, the more data you have, the better you understand an issue and the array of options necessary to fix it. How can less testing be any different? I sure hope the pilot of my plane doesn't turn off the radar because he is worried about the dark clouds all around us.

As far as contract tracing goes, I think that train left the station a few weeks ago If you have uncontrolled growth in new cases, it is probably mathematically impossible do do timely contact tracing, and I might add, that if it takes 5 to 7 days to get the results, you are damn well doomed for timely contact tracing. However, if we move down the curve AKA flatten the curve, it would be nice to be able to reintroduce contact tracing to our arsenal to avoid a second (or third) wave. Having some budget in place would be a good thing.

I am moving on as I try not spill coffee while I am shaking my head. Is it a wonder we are out of control with the brilliant minds running this country?

Have a safe day and week while you 'enjoy' your morning brew.