Morning Coffee with Dan - Dark and Dangerous Times

As I consume a fresh cup of DD coffee this morning, I am not feeling very optimistic. We seem to be entering a very dark and dangerous time unprecedented in the country.

As I watched Agents of Chaos last night on HBO, documenting the activities of Russia relative to interfering in our election process, I shuddered as I though about the famous comments from Nikita Khrushchev from many years ago, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within.” The only difference between Nikita's ominous warning and today's events is that a more dangerous dictator is in-place - Vladimir Putin. The other MAJOR difference is that Vlad and Cheeto seemed to be attached at the hip. Is anyone out there still wondering why Russia worked so hard to get Cheeto elected? I don't think it was his hair style that won Russian support.

As the "president" threatens to undermine the elective process by refusing to acknowledge his commitment a peaceful transition, he continues to play "kissy face" with Vlad. He has held several 'secret' meetings in the White House and overseas discussing God knows what, refuses to confront the Russians about their bounties for allied soldiers program, ignores threatening moves against U.S. forces in Syria, and, in general, heaps praises on the Russian dictator. Cheetos former National Security Advisor, John Bolton, has stated that he thinks that Putin believes he can play Trump like a fiddle. From what we have seen so far, I think Vlad can get a Mozart concerto from that 'fiddle.'

If Cheeto's comments about a peaceful transition don't cause you to lose sleep over this administration, I think you are possibly living in galaxy far, far away from the one in which I reside. Cheeto's belief that the Supreme Court will keep him in power is, no doubt, the driving force behind the hypocritical effort on his part to ram a supreme court nominee though the Senate, not to defeat Roe V Wade as his evangelical lemmings believe. It continues to be all about Trump.

We are courting a potential civil insurrection in our future unless we get a grip on the constitutional principles that gave us a relatively peaceful history so far. Without a peaceful and lawful transition of power in Washington, that history is under siege. Cheeto won't think twice about turning his base loose as a surrogate to represent him and stoke his paranoia of life after the presidency.

On that somber note, I am making more coffee this morning