
When Barack Obama was president I use to have some heated conversations with my conservative "friends" at the VA. When I pushed at them to tell me with more specificity what they didn't like about his tenure, one comment I would hear repeatedly was that he was the most "divisive president in history." When they couldn't articulate an argument with more specificity, I concluded that his most divisive characteristic was being born non-Caucasian. By circumstances of being born non-white he engendered hate and mistrust that translated into 'divisiveness.' Fast forward to the current 'president' who was born to privilege and happens to be white but thrives on divisiveness. The comparison is interesting if not nauseating. You have one president who did nothing than being born of circumstances beyond his control compared to another 'president' who had all of the advantage of race and economics who constantly goes out of his way to divide the country for political advantage. It is a sad commentary to realize how slow and tedious the process of racial equality has been and how far we have yet to travel down this road.