Losing Sight of the Mission

Every time I try to restore my faith in people something pops my balloon again. One of my volunteer colleagues at the V.A. clinic in Greenville told me about the visit to the clinic last Friday by the Secretary of the VA, Robert Wilkie. Kind of a big deal that a cabinet secretary would visit a community based outpatient clinic. I guess this explains why after two years we just got new framed pictures of Trump and Wilkie over the reception desk. Anyway, the entourage parked their big, shiny white Chevrolet Suburbans (3) right in front of the entrance under the overhang canopy where veterans are typically dropped off so they can enter the building with a small degree of protection from the elements. The entourage parked in front of the building for their two hour visit without regard for the veterans who have handicaps requiring wheelchairs, walkers, canes, or who have other mobility issues. I don't think anybody in the big, shiny SUV's had any of these conditions. What pisses me off is that so-called leaders fail to grasp the mission but put themselves above it. All the VA clinics and hospitals are there to serve the veterans and make their medical care as seamless as possible recognizing that many have physical limitations received serving their country. Obstructing the entrance so the veterans had to maneuver around the SUV caravan is a thoughtless act by a 'management team' that should know better. This isn't the Treasure Secretary or Department of Labor. It is the Veterans Administration. A caring management team would drop the visitors off in front of the building and go park in a remote section of the parking lot and then go get the cars a few minutes before the team is ready to leave. Another small example of ego trumping (excuse the verb) the mission.