Morning Coffee with Dan - Hypocrisy is Not a Lost Art

As I enjoy a quiet cup of coffee on this Sunday morning, the word, "hypocrisy" comes to mind. Cheeto's latest executive order, restoring benefits to those impacted by the Coronavirus, brings this to mind. Not that I object to his action since it is unlikely his Republican lemmings will do anything as long at the Turtle is sitting on the legislation, but it is the hypocrisy of the behavior that sticks in my craw.

When Barack Obama was president, Republicans and their state supported TV network would howl every time Obama signed an Executive Order. You remember the accusations, "King Obama," "he's overstepping his bounds", "he is acting like a dictator", "he doesn't know how to negotiate", and on and on. One of the biggest mouths on national news was Donald Trump. Hmm, looky, looky who has surpassed President Obama in executive orders - Benito Trump.

Through June, Cheeto has signed about 164 executive orders compared to something like 147 for all of Obama's first term. Where is the howl from the right about abuse of power? The silence is almost deafening. Oh, that's right, I forgot Cheeto's pet Corgi, Lindsey Graham, who said yesterday that he wished Congress had passed an extension of the Hero's Act and not done through Executive Order. Well, Graham Cracker, what do you expect when the Turtle sits on the legislation for three months? The Democratic House passed an extension three months ago. I guess the Republicans in the Senate think it is more important to have their weekend recess than to do their jobs of looking after the citizens of this country.

The street is littered with the hypocrisy of the right when it comes to President Obama. Should we talk about Trump's oft repeated statement that Obama takes too much time off to play golf? Should we talk about Obama taking too many vacations? Maybe President Obama wasn't aggressive enough in 2014 with the Ebola outbreaks and failed to provide "leadership" when two people died? Really? How about 160,000 at last count from COVID-19! My stomach aches at the hypocrisy, and wonder if these numb nuts realize that much of this crap is on videotape or archived online? Unfortunately, the base wouldn't recognize the hypocrisy if were covered with strawberries and served for breakfast.

I think it is time to have more coffee and move on to more uplifting topics to brood about before I really get pissed.