Morning Coffee with Dan - By all Means, Let's not Offend Vlad

As I make a fresh pot of DD coffee this morning, I am circling back to an issue that is very troubling to me - Russian bounties for allied soldiers.

I find is indefensible on any level that Trump cannot acknowledge that the protection of our military forces should be a key priority as Commander-in- Chief of the U.S. Military. Aside from his duty to protect this country and it citizens, I can think on no higher priority. As an officer trainee in the Air Force, it was drilled into our training that we, as future officers, had an obligation and responsibility to ensure the welfare of our troops. It was a welcome to the world of the nonnegotiable.

If Cheeto can find time to promote Goya so a key donor feels loved, and he can find time to waste on attacking TikTok, and, of course play many rounds of golf, he sure as hell can spend time acknowledging zero tolerance for threats against the U.S. military. In the six weeks or so since the revelations came to light, he has had more than ample opportunity to address the issue with his best buddy, Vlad. Let's remember that Cheeto had a phone call with Vlad on July 23rd, a full month after the Russian bounty reports were revealed. Of course, in an act of inexcusable neglect, he never broached the topic with Vlad.

The bullshit that he was not aware of the Russian program or did not find the information credible is unadulterated bullshit. First of all there in an inherent contradiction in the two positions. You can't find something not credible if you don't know about it. Setting that aside, the U.S. briefed its NATO allies about the problem months ago. Three NATO officials confirmed they were briefed. Do you think we would be doing high-level briefings about Russian military actions without the administration being aware?

I am of the belief that Cheeto is going to play a waiting game on this embarrassment. If he ignores it long enough and throws his normal daily distraction bones to the press, the issue will fade away and he won't have to confront his boss,Vlad, about the problem. We must not let him off the hook on this one. His obligations as Commander-in-Chief demands action.

On this note I am having a crumpet with my coffee this morning.