Morning Coffee with Dan - Vote by Mail

I guess I'll never understand my fellow citizens, at least some of them. Something to think about whilst enjoying fresh coffee this morning.

I saw a meme posted by a 'friend' on Facebook essentially saying that if we can stand in line at Walmart or Target, we should stand in line to vote, and we need to fight any effort to promote vote by mail. Needless to say, I gently suggested this post was crazy like POTUS. One well informed respondent suggested that I was advocating a way for the Democrats to 'steal another election.' Really, a right winger whose party has closed polling place in many Democratic districts, pushed stringent ID laws, gerrymandered the hell out of states like North Carolina and Ohio, and shortened voting hours thinks the Democrats are trying to 'steal an election?' I wish he would share some of the glue he is sniffing because it must be real high quality stuff.

I'm not going to get into the success the other five states who use vote by mail have experienced, or the infinitesimal rate of voter fraud, or the success we had in the military through absentee voting (by mail), I'm just going to suggest that the times dictate a better approach than Wisconsin showed us when voting in person during a pandemic. Let's face it, finding volunteers to staff polling precincts is difficult during normal times, I can't imagine that it is going to dramatically improve while thousands are being infected by the COVID-19. I have yet to hear a coherent argument why voting by mail is not a sound approach, other than Cheeto 'said so.'

This is another example of Cheeto using an issue which should be a 'no brainer,' like wearing face masks or social distancing, and using it as a polarizing opportunity. Of course, his flock of lemmings will jump on the issue claiming a political conspiracy while they await delivery of their prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine to arrive.

On that note, I am having another cup of joe.