Morning Coffee with Dan - I'm Fed Up

As I consume a fresh cup of java this morning, I confess that I just feel worn out. After almost four years of subterfuge and daily bullshit I have reached a saturation point. Frankly, I never thought I would arrive at a point where the first thing I check every morning are the news wires just to see if we still have a country, if we are all still here, and what outrageous things our fearless “leader” has said or done overnight.

In the last few months, I found some solace in penning a few news observations in the morning, AKA rants, mainly to release the steam of pent-up frustrations, and perhaps even a degree of fear. I often have a conversation with myself about wasting my time, but truth is that I find it better to vent than to hold-in my anger and let it seethe all day.

Every day seems like another opportunity to play a game of ‘diversion bingo’ (DV). Cheeto knows that by simply throwing out some outrageous tweet or press release he can change the narrative from something unpleasant or unflattering to whatever topic he wants to use as a distraction. Thursday was a prime example. We announced that we had the worst economic quarter since the great depression. Instead of addressing action or even mitigation needed to deal with this, he simply threw out the notion of delaying the election. Immediately, all the news cycles started running with a constitutional discussion of the legality of delaying elections. With the ease of a Twitter ‘send’ button, no more discussion about the economy. Every day is another merry go round of diversions some of which are very scary. DV is his favorite game.

I have reached a point where I am exhausted at the notion of another news cycle and dealing with one more day of bullshit. Am I alone? Do any of you get tired of:
- Having to ‘fact check’ every utterance from his mouth for a grain of validity or truth, only to find that it comes from his favorite source – his ass? I thought we moved on from hydroxychloroquine only to discover we have another alien motivated sex dream promoter pushing it.
- Reading about more childish behavior like moving presidential portraits of predecessors he does not like or is jealous of to obscure rooms in the White House or not even allowing the unveiling of Obama’s portrait?
- Trying to figure out what he is actually saying when most sentences are missing key parts of speech or are disjointed parts of a sentence cobbled together in some nonsensical way.
- Reading about how virtually every country in the world has lost respect for the leadership and integrity of our country,
- Wondering exactly what Vlad has over him which is the only way I can account for his acquiescence to Russia on every single issue, including sharing state secrets? As a veteran, I can't even fathom how we can skip over the “bounties for soldiers” program being propagated by our Russian buddies.
- His total lack of intellectual curiosity and situation awareness of the context of governance.
- Daily insults and name calling for what he perceives as a personal affront, but what most people accept as ‘part of the job.’
- The unmitigated hypocrisy, which is embarrassingly on constant display, e.g., I will be too busy to play golf, I know more about the middle east than our generals, I will drain the swamp, we have the best virus testing in the world, etc.
- The absence of a grain of humanity or humor in his personality. When has he ever had a humorous dialog with the press, like all his predecessors?

I find myself counting the days left in this administration and pray that I don’t lose my mind before November 3rd. In my wildest imagination I cannot conceive of another term under Cheeto. If I subscribed to the notion of purgatory, this would truly be ‘time served.’ In a moment of weakness I might suggest it is one more step beyond purgatory.

Thank you for being a captive audience for my lamentation this morning while I chomp on my last bagel from the freezer and wash it down with some Dunkin Donuts medium strength coffee.