Morning Coffee with Dan - Goodbye to Enablers

As I am gulping down my Gevalia Kaffe this morning, I have pondered how to approach a topic which may be a watershed moment for me. I generally ponder things and often it takes me awhile to come around to a place many of my contemporaries arrive at much sooner. Maybe it is my rusty 77 year-old mind or perhaps it is just a genetic characteristic. I have nevertheless arrived at a "no return" point politically.

It is no secret that I am no Trump fan. I have felt this way from the day he won the nomination, and his policies and behavior have done nothing to alter that. However, I was 'primarily' focused on his policies and behavior. In my mind his policies concerning the environment and fiscal irresponsibility may leave an unrecoverable legacy which could doom this country's future. His appointees are, for the most part, unqualified and will go down in history as the worst array of characters to ever occupy those positions. However, In a moment of charity, I could concede that some of his policies are a matter of choice and approach, e.g., NAFTA, NATO, the Trade War, etc., but that doesn't make him 'right or wrong,' it make him on the opposite side of where I come down on these issue. That doesn't make me 'right or wrong' either.

His behavior speaks for itself. His constant lying, tweeting, belittling are so divisive that it is impossible to have a constructive conversation across party lines. Most of his supporters are willing to shrug their shoulders and claim, "that is Trump being Trump."

So what is my watershed moment? I have reached the point where I have concluded that Trump is inherently an evil person incapable of functioning in a civilized manner in any role, much less as CEO of the country. His character is so flawed that there is zero hope of ever uniting this country on any issue of import. In addition, I am through rationalizing that many on the other side of spectrum are basically 'good' people with whom I just don't happen to agree with. It they are willing to accept this depravity in the office, they are not 'good' people. They are enablers willing to see this country fail for their political beliefs. If that means my 'friends' list is reduced, and we no longer get a dinner invitation, so be it.

I liken this to my thoughts on John McCain. Philosophically, I was not on the same page with McCain. However, I never doubted his character or integrity. His behavior as a POW was an incredible testament to his integrity. Trump should never even be allowed to speak McCain's name without shame. If he had one thousandth of the character of McCain, I wouldn't even be penning this epistle. Trump is the antithesis of everything McCain believed in.

What has set me off? The events of this week really did it for me. In his petty vindictive way he attacked the memory of Lori Klausutis which has put her family through the pain of her loss all over again is so sick that it defies human decency. It is pure evil. The only reason he goes down this path is that he cannot confront issues on their merit, he must strike back at his protagonists in a tasteless manner on Twitter. He followed this with mocking Joe Biden for wearing a surgical mask the day we topped 100,000 deaths in this country. What kind of empathy is that? You may not be a fan of surgical masks, but to mock someone for having the decency to protect the people with whom he comes in contact says all you need to know about his character.

I'm off my soapbox. I'm also done with Trump and any of his apologists who are willing to accept this evil person'a behavior another minute.

I'm brewing a fresh pot of coffee to ponder some more.