Morning Coffee with Dan - Divisiveness is Not Helpful

As I sip my coffee this morning, I am going to gingerly step-up on my soapbox and go down a little different path.

It is ironic on the eve of Memorial Day that we get to ponder the notion that patriotism is being commemorated under the cloud of a pandemic that has killed almost 100,000 of our citizens. Instead of using today’s events as an opportunity to bring us together and unite us against a common enemy, it is used as a wedge to encourage even more divisiveness. We pit the forces of caution against the forces of opening society again. Must we always frame issues as ‘win or lose’?

There was a time that we thrust out our chest with pride to be an "American," right or wrong. I joined the Air Force in 1966 under the cloud of Vietnam even though I would have preferred a thousand different directions, but I felt that military service was the price one paid to be a citizen of this country, even in the face of some questionable foreign policy decisions. I felt the rights and advantages I enjoyed came with a price and I needed to put some energy and commitment back in the bank if I expected these benefits to continue.

Confronted with the same decision today, it would be infinitely more difficult given the erosion of the values with which I grew up and believed in without question. It is sad to see where we are headed, especially proudly remembering where we have been. To see the anger in the streets and the ridiculous threats and acts of violence merely because elected officials are trying to take action to stem the spread of the virus is not the country I knew. Juvenile behavior is condoned in the name of individual rights and freedom spewed out of the mouths of bearded, t-shirt clad protesters most of whom have never lifted one finger to defend the values to which they blithely only pay lip service. Racism has been re-energized with a fervor that is frightening.

Unfortunately, attitudes start at the top, whether family or government.. If you promote divisiveness every day, seek to scapegoat every problem, and accept no responsibility for any issue, it trickles down and poisons the society who needs to come together, especially right now. Patriotism is modeled by our leaders. As aptly said by Dwight D. Eisenhower, “A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.”

So, during the Memorial Day weekend, let us think about regaining the values threatened by the divisiveness being mindless promoted by our ‘leaders,’ and focus on what it takes to regain them. It takes more than lip service We need to go out and defend these values and support them every day. Patriotism is not cheap - volunteer, help the needy, support your schools, stand-up for what you believe and call-out non-constructive behavior, and fight divisiveness with every bone in your body. Most important support and vote for candidates who will unite us again and not drive a wedge between us. United we can accomplish almost anything, divided we fall.

I will have another cup of coffee as I carefully step down from this morning’s soapbox.