Morning Coffee with Dan - National Guard Deserves Respect

As I am sipping my coffee this morning, I am thinking about my days in the Massachusetts National Guard before we moved to South Carolina. I was proud of the dedication and skills of the guardsmen with whom I worked. This is what is distressing about the latest decision made by Cheeto relative to their service.

The National Guard has 40,000 guardsmen deployed in something like 22 states to aid in activities related to the Covid-19 pandemic. These soldiers separated from their families, and away from their jobs, are exposed to possible Coronavirus infections in response to their deployment. So what does the government announce? Their deployment will end on June 24th which is one day shy of the 90 day threshold needed to obtain certain benefits such as education and accelerated retirement under the post 9/11 GI Bill. The fact that the deployment would end on a Wednesday one day short of 90 days is surely a designed action to avoid the cost of the benefits. As the President of the National Guard Association, Brig. Gen. J. Joy Robinson so aptly put it, "They're screwing the National Guard members out of the status they should have."

Of course events could occur which would change this, but to announce it now enforcing the notion that their service is appreciated less than budget concerns sends a callous message of indifference to the welfare of the soldiers which so typifies this administration. It is frankly, shameful.

I can only hope the different National Guard Adjutant Generals in the home states from where the Guard members are deployed rise-up in indignant anger and tell the President that his decision is unacceptable. Our soldiers deserve better treatment and more respect than this.

I am going to get my second cup of Java while I fume some more.