Morning Coffee with Dan - Let's Slow Down the Testing

As I sip my coffee this morning, I am virtually speechless. How any rational person can support Trump is so beyond my comprehension that I need to get a grip on myself without kicking the walls.

"Slow down the testing," was not offered as a "joke" as the WH apologists suggested. It was an uncaring, thoughtless, and an astonishingly ignorant statement by an uncaring and thoughtless president. As the meme suggested, stop "pregnancy testing" and we won't have any more children. I'll also stop my glucose monitoring and I won't need any more insulin. Stop measuring the water level in the Titanic and it won't sink.

We are up to 122,000 Coronavirus deaths in the U.S. with about half the states showing a growth in new cases. Slow down the testing is really going to stem the growth. As I repeatedly hear, "Denial is more than a river in Egypt." Why do we not hear anything from the White House Coronavirus task force anymore? it is denial, denial denial.

I am moving on as I shake my head. The typical steps to fix any problem are usually facts. The more information you have, the more informed your actions are. Of course, if your objective is to look good and not fix the problem, slowing down testing fits this narrative very well. I cannot believe that this unadulterated bullshit keeps coming out of his mouth.

I'm having my next cup of Java as I remain astounded by the ignorance which grows worse every day.