Morning Coffee with Dan - The Tweets Just Get More Insane

I wasn't going to mull any thoughts over this morning as I sipped my day-old coffee, but Trump's tweet was just so over the top, that I couldn't hold back.

To refresh your memory, his tweet said:

Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?

There is much that this tweet says about the incompetent at the top that it is hard to get my hands around it. First of all that he is subscribing to OANN is, in itself, a scary notion. It is a far right, conservative news and opinion source that trades in conspiracy theories It is bad enough Cheeto uses FOX as a credible source, but OANN? Really? No wonder he sounds like he is on drugs most of the time.

Next, lets look at the content. "... he fell harder than was pushed." The dude is 75. I don't have the balance I had when I was younger. How the hell would Trump know this? We know. It is part of his amazing knowledge of the laws of physics.

"Could be a set up?" Good setup! He is lying on the ground bleeding from his ear as the police walk by and ignore him. Damn good setup, huh? Whoever planned this 'setup' should get bonus points for realism.

Lastly, "aiming a scanner"? Amazing technology, I would say the DoD should try to get the patent for what looked like a cell phone when fell from his hand as he lay in a pool of blood on the concrete. Block out the equipment? With what?

I'll skip over the ANTIFA provocateur bullshit except to say that it more of the divisive BS that this incompetent throws out everyday as he works in a mythical land of no facts.

With this said, I think I'll have another cup of Clorox. Oops, I mean coffee.