Morning Coffee with Dan - My "Pal" Vlad

As I savor my Gevalia this morning, I can't help wondering what Cheeto and Putin talked about on Monday. No, not the official BS, but what they really talked about. I somehow don't think they focused only on the G7 meeting which is at least 3 1/2 months away.

My well-hidden cynical side suggests that Cheeto was probably consulting with Vlad about how he would handle the protesters in Russia. You can kind of figure out how that conversation would go. I can't remember Putin every voicing his support for the first amendment or that he is even aware that they make bullets out of rubber. I'm sure he gave Cheeto the old pep talk about taking one for the Gipper by taking the streets back and its time to stop being a ninny. This probably mirrors what his special love friend in North Korea would tell him. Kim doesn't have any problem with demonstrators in his country. They are all buried on 'Boot Hill.'

As I watched the other news last night, I was struck by an interview with Michael Curry, presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. He was being asked about Cheeto's photo op stunt. What struck me was his very articulate response about missed opportunities. He suggested that instead of holding up the bible as a prop and beating his chest, Cheeto could have stopped the side show and suggested that he would like to offer a prayer for peace and unity in country. It would have been a perfect time for a message of healing and calm instead of more divisive militarism. Maybe that's what happens when you talk to Putin instead of Michael Curry or any number of other calm and reasoned voices that are missing from his cell phone directory.

I'm relatively sure the Evangelical and Fundamentalist crowd that worships Cheeto would have been cheering him as he embraced the 'good book' and the notion offered by Bishop Curry would never enter their consciousness. How could it? When you spend your free time defending the indefensible, how can you suddenly embrace the notions of peace and reconciliation, besides it might slow down the flow of dollars that makes the "Christian life" so comfortable. How else can you earn enough to buy your wife a Maserati for her next birthday?

With that thought, I'll have my second cup of coffee.