Morning Coffee with Dan - No Love Affair with the Military

As I enjoy a 'late' cup of coffee this morning, I am surprised at Cheeto's comments about the Pentagon made on Monday. He often surprises me with his comments, but these comments are particularly puzzling.

In comments made on Labor Day, Cheeto said, "I'm not saying the military's in love with me -- the soldiers are, the top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy," I would think during the run up to the election his comments would be more judicious, especially in the aftermath of his insulting comments about the soldiers who died and were wounded for this country.

I'm no fan of the industrial-military complex, for sure. I think this country spends way too much on the military and hardware than is necessary. That said, Cheeto has continued to brag about the size of his military budgets since becoming POTUS. I'm not sure who Cheeto should be attacking. The military is managed, directed, and funded by civilians - it is designed that way. Isn't he implicitly criticizing congress and the pentagon officials he had a hand in appointing? I think Congress declares war and the Secretary of Defense oversees the execution based on the military strategy recommended by the JCS.

My cynical side thinks that Cheeto's feelings are hurt because the Pentagon did not jump-up more vociferously to his defense after the Atlantic article about his disparaging comments about the military. This is his way of throwing a tantrum. He may also be trying to throw a wedge in the works by seeding divisiveness between the 'brass' and the 'troops.' He is suggesting the 'soldiers' love him (a statistically questionable assumption), but the top people don't. He is suggesting that he on the 'soldier's side against those 'bureaucrats.' Interesting posturing from someone who mocks those soldiers who lost their lives defending this country.

I'm sure he has his motivation, but all I know is that it is unprecedented and is another avenue of attack to create more divisiveness in an environment replete with divisiveness.

Enjoy your day while I have another cup of joe.