Morning Coffee with Dan - What is the Real Threat?

As I am savoring a fresh cup of coffee this morning I am mulling over the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) draft Threat Analysis for 2021.

The report which seems to be flying under the radar is the third draft which states that white supremacist extremists are the deadliest threat through 2021. It seems that the language has been softened from the early editions substituting 'domestic violence extremists' as a euphemism for 'white supremacist extremists.' I wonder where that pressure emanated? The report concluded that some US-based violent extremists have capitalized on increased social and political tensions in 2020. It does state that foreign terrorist organizations will continue to call for attacks on the U.S. but they "probably will remain constrained in their ability to direct such plots over the next year."

The 2020 draft report also finds that Russian state-affiliated actors will continue targeting US industry and all levels of government with "intrusive cyber espionage." China and Russia are the most capable nation-state cyber adversaries, but Iran and North Korea also pose a threat to the US. It concludes that Russia probably will be the primary covert foreign influence actor and purveyor of disinformation and misinformation in the Homeland."

Isn't it interesting that both white supremacist extremists and Russia are cited as key threats, yet Cheeto continues to promote the notion that China is a bigger threat and BLM and Antifa are creating havoc in our cities. Of course, we don't want to offend our buddy Vlad, and we also need to acknowledge that there are 'very fine people' on right wing white supremacist team. I can't help wondering what will happen between the third draft and the final report once the White House has an input? Will this be another casualty to truth like purged data on climate change and COVID-19 where the facts don't quite fit Cheeto's political narrative.

On that note, watch for the final report, and you can read it with more roast coffee in the morning. My crumpets are almost ready so I'm off to the world of good eating.