Morning Coffee with Dan - White Privilege - Really?

There is so much to think about this morning as I drink my first cup of coffee. As I read the accounts of Bob Woodward's conversations with Cheeto, one, in particular, stood out for me since I already commented on the subject in an earlier morning coffee musing. It concerned his attitude toward white privilege.

The transcript went like the following:

"We share one thing in common: We're white, privileged," Woodward told Trump. "My father was a lawyer and a judge in Illinois, and we know what your dad did.

"Do you have any sense that that privilege has isolated and put you in a cave, to a certain extent, as it put me and I think lots of white, privileged people in a cave? And that we have to work our way out of it to understand the anger and the pain particularly Black people feel in this country?"

"No. You really drank the Kool-Aid, didn't you? Just listen to you," he responded. "Wow. No, I don't feel that at all."

If you remember I commented on the administration's order for federal agencies to stop racial sensitivity training, labeling it "divisive, anti-American propaganda." Trump's comments to Woodward puts this in perspective. Cheeto feels no responsibility or need to understand the anger minorities feel in this country. This cretin is the POTUS who is ostensibly responsible for addressing the issues of the country and developing programs to fix them. Without an understanding of the underlying causes and frustrations of the social unrest that exist in our country, how in hell can he exercise a modicum of leadership? He can't and he won't. And the people who encourage this kind of understanding are drinking some kind of special Kool-Aid that improves their empathy and humanity.

I just couldn't help but be amazed at the unequivocal answer he quickly gave Woodward. He is truly unfeeling and doesn't care. Of all the people who live in a privileged bubble, Cheeto has to be at the top of the list, and probably needs to mainline the Kool-Aid.

On that note, I am toasting a bagel to enjoy with my second cup of coffee.