Morning Coffee with Dan - Leadership Redefined

As I enjoy a fresh pot of coffee this morning, I am pondering Cheeto's concept of leadership. It seems that Fox, as well as the rest of the right-wing lemmings, have their talking points now. Let's call Cheeto's actions 'leadership.' That's right, "leadership' because he he wanted the country to remain 'calm' and he wanted to show "strength and confidence" while his steady hand was on the tiller.

What is so ludicrous about Cheeto's version of leadership is that his version is probably not in many text books. He said, "Everybody knew it was airborne." He further went on, "you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flu." Let's run with this one.

If you know it's airborne and "you just breather the air," why would you have five public rallies ignoring face coverings and social distancing after you acknowledged the methodology for spreading a virus "more deadly than the strenuous flu?" Is your need for ego gratification greater than you obligation to contain the pandemic. Evidently so.

I won't even rehash the his campaign of wishful thinking that the virus would go away after the warm weather arrived or one day it would be mysteriously gone. To irresponsibly belittle health guidelines of social distancing and face mask implementation, while promoting untested therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine or publicly speculating on injecting Clorox or inserting a UV in some body cavity stretches the notion of 'strength and confidence' beyond the bounds of sanity.

My cynical side says his notion of leadership was to ensure the Dow and NASDAQ remained at 'electable' levels. Clearly his actions were not aimed at calming the public, but calming a jittery market. The market may have remained at unsustainable levels, but the economy has tanked, and now Cheeto must accept the price of his mismanagement.

On that note, I am toasting a couple of crumpets to go with my second cup of coffee.