Morning Coffee with Dan - The Text Book on How to Mismanage a Crisis

As I savor my shortcut Kurig coffee this morning I am angry at the right wing management of the coronavirus relief bill. Such insensitivity is unprecedented.

While millions of American are suffering from economic devastation and thousands of our citizens keep dying, the Republican "relief" bill stuck-in $8 B for weapons systems procurement benefiting defense giants like Boeing, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics. Not to mention that it proposed to restore Defense Department cuts that were diverted to build Cheeto's great wall on our southern border. These clowns cry that the relief bill is too expensive and they cram this crap into the bill to trade on the times to push their personal agendas unrelated to the pandemic.

The fact that we don't have a final bill in place to replace the expiring relief act knowing the current bill was due to expire at the end of the month is incompetence squared, but to saddle it with 'add-ins' unrelated to the pandemic is a monumental slap in the face to anyone with a modicum of empathy. Remember the Democrats in the House passed their version two months ago so there would be no interruption in relief to the affected citizens of this country. Of course, the Senate Republicans were drinking Cheeto's Kool Aide that by now the virus would just be a bad memory having 'miraculously disappeared.

The Senate saga is just another chapter in a text book example of how not to manage a crisis. Our focus should be on helping the poor people impacted by a crisis not of their making, not an opportunity to feather bed the bill with all kinds of favored add-ins not related to what should be a laser beam focus on the pandemic. I continue to be disgusted with our so-called right wing legislators and hope beyond hope that their time in power is limited.

I'm off my soapbox and on to a crumpet with my coffee.