Morning Coffee with Dan - Protecting our National Treasures

As I sip my coffee on this quiet Saturday morning, I shed a tear for how society has changed in our country. Specifically, I was disheartened to read about Dr. Anthony Fauci's safety.

Apparently, Dr. Fauci and his wife and daughters, have received serious threats, enough to warrant a security detail to look after their safety. Dr. Fauci also received hate mail when he was involved with HIV/AIDS research in the 80's and 90's, but unlike the previous criticism he received, the current crop is more menacing and threatening rather than of the 'crackpot' variety.

What have we become when an expert sharing his expertise to help our society becomes a target because his opinion doesn't line-up with some idiot's own crackpot theories? I also read where several local stations from Sinclair Broadcasting are going to air a widely discredited conspiracy theory broadcast which hypothesizes that Dr. Fauci was responsible for the creation of the Coronavirus. This fantasy conspiracy has been blocked by more responsible media outlets. It makes one sick to think of the fear and hate mongering being whipped up against Fauci and what a cesspool of hate many factions in this country embrace.

It is easy to see that if you are at a tipping point in your emotional or mental stability that the messages coming out of the administration and many of its lemmings could be the tipping point for your behavior. It was clear that Cheeto and his minions were pushing a discredit campaign against the good doctor until it backfired. Liz Cheny was even attacked by her peers in a meeting where she defended Fauci. These are 'our' legislators behaving like cretins; imagine what it must be like at the local NRA cell meeting.

It is a wonder anyone is willing to go out on a limb for their beliefs in our fractured and divided society. I might also add very dangerous environment. In a country where there are over 393 million handguns in private hands, any threat has the potential to be life threatening. Think about that - 393 MILLION.

I'm going to butter a crumpet to go with my second cup of coffee.