There is a Price for Fame

Everything in life seems to come with a price.  If you are a sports figure, you get booed if you are in a slump or visit your opposing teams' home stadium.  If you are actor, you are only as good as your last performance and sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not. If you are a writer, the critics can be brutal.  So you learn to take the rough spots and criticism in stride because you get the big bucks and fame that comes with being a public figure.  Why is it that the president hasn't learned that he may be in the most high profile position on earth.  No matter who is the president, statistically, at least 40% of the citizens are going to disagree with him not matter what he does.  "W" was constantly criticized for his WMD war and his 'unique' speaking style. Bill Clinton was constantly barraged by comments relative to  his visible dalliances, Jimmy Carter was constantly taken over the coals for his economic policies, and, of course, Barack Obama was subjected to an infinite amount of disrespect and obstruction. If you don't have the temperament to deal with this in a mature and philosophical way, you should choose a different profession. It is going to be a long, tortuous road if we witness the president (and his minions) react in a sophomoric and destructive manner every time someone criticizes the president, his policies, or his administration. Personally, I find it an embarrassment for the country and degrading to the office of the President..