Lindsey Graham'a Hypocrisy

As a voter in South Carolina, I guess I have to own up to the reality that Lindsey Graham is 'my' senator. I have learned over the years living in South Carolina not to be too shocked at much that is said by our red state "representatives." However, when it comes to blatant hypocrisy Graham's comments at yesterday's hearing may top the list. He said in his most histrionic style, "You’re looking for a fair process? You came to the wrong town, at the wrong time my friend,” Truer words were never spoken, but not in the context intended by Graham. The fact that we are even having these hearings is a testimony to the polluted process. Where was Graham when McConnell arbitrarily changed the rules and denied a hearing on Merrick Garland? Never in history have we had a presidential appointment tabled because of an election almost a year away. To keep piling on, why has the White House withheld 100K documents related to Kavanaugh under the guise of "executive privilege?" Where is Graham's outrage at this process corruption? Why does Graham oppose an FBI investigation of Kavanaugh's behavior? We are talking about a lifetime appointment here not president of the bowling league. Lindsey Graham has done an inexplicable "U-Turn" related to anything Trump in the last three months. His head is so far up Trump's ass that he can see Trump's tonsils from below. Does he forget that Trump is the one who released Graham's cell phone number during the Presidential debates? My cynical side says that the President has made a devil's deal with Graham or the Russians have some pretty incriminating information. You don't make such a radical turn without a reason. In the meantime we get to listen to Graham's hypocrisy as the Senate confirms Kavanaugh, as it inevitably will.