Morning Coffee with Dan - Say What? No Medical Care during a Pandemic?

To say I am incredulous as I sip this morning's coffee would go into the category of one of my greatest understatements. The Trump "administration" last night petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act for over 20 million Americans during a deteriorating and mismanaged pandemic.

This is so wrong on so many levels that it is difficult to believe we could be having the conversation at this point in time. I can only echo Nancy Pelosi's comments, "It was wrong anytime," she said of the administration's stance. "Now, it's beyond stupid." The impact to the 122 million Americans with pre-existing conditions is incalculable.

Were the Republicans to have ever offered an alternative health care plan to the public, I could fathom a dialog on the merits of each. However, they continue to rail against the ACA without ever offering an alternative plan, except business as usual. Of course, such an act would, no doubt, offend the generous health care industry and their lobbyists who continue to pour millions into the right-wing reelection coffers.

Once again the U.S. stands out as the only developed country in the world without a viable and affordable health care program for its citizens, and the the Republicans continue to assault the only effort we have ever made to address this problem. Need I remind you that about 11.4 million people signed up for 2020 Obamacare polices on the exchanges, while nearly 12.7 million low-income adults have gained coverage through Medicaid expansion? It allows young adults up to age 26 to stay on their parents' policies and bans insurers from denying coverage to those who buy their own policies or charging them more because of pre-existing conditions,

I cannot believe that this action is being taken during the greatest medical emergency this country has seen since the pandemic of 1918. What the hell is this administration thinking? Oops, excuse me. "Thinking" and "this administration" are incompatible.'

On this note, I am going back to my coffee and revel in my anniversary.