Morning Coffee with Dan - What Leadership is Not About

As I am sipping my DD medium roast coffee this morning I am lamenting the so-called leadership in this country. Frankly, it is embarrassing.

Yesterday, the VP and nominal head of the White House Coronavirus task force gave an update after several weeks of silence. That, in itself, should have raised questions, like "where the hell have you been, while the numbers are surging in half the states, Mr. Chairman?" Another one might have been, "why don't you set an example for the country by social distancing AND wearing face covering, instead of sticking your head up your boss' ass?" I guess that's why I will never get an invitation to the a White House press briefing.

Let me skip to the meat of the update. Mr. Pence said, ""we flattened the curve." I realize it has probably been a few years since Mike has taken geometry, but the curve I saw yesterday has about a 45 degree angle for new cases in the U.S. This is after a decline in April and May. I think there is a reason the countries of the EC are considering a ban on travel from the U.S. I think it is safe to say, it ain't because "the curve has flattened." Need I remind the Chairman of the task force that we cruised through 127,000 deaths to date?

Another startling example of amazing leadership was on display yesterday when the other half of the Cheech and Chong Show was asked about his priorities for a second term at a FAUX News town hall meeting. This is a pretty standard softball question for an incumbent running for reelection, I would think. Unfortunately, Trujmp never answered the question - not one priority was ticked-off, but some rambling nonsensical answer about talent and experience and his initial arrival in DC. Wouldn't it have been enlightening to hear about taxes, the economy, conflict in the middle East, trade with China, missile development in North Korea, etc. I can't tell if he lost his train of thought (assuming he had one), or he never gave any thought to a platform, or maybe he figures he will never get a second term so the question is academic. In any event the lack of a crisp response is a scary view of leadership.

I need a second cup this morning worrying about the team running the executive branch of our government as my hope for November keeps me going.