Lindsey Graham'a Hypocrisy

As a voter in South Carolina, I guess I have to own up to the reality that Lindsey Graham is 'my' senator. I have learned over the years living in South Carolina not to be too shocked at much that is said by our red state "representatives." However, when it comes to blatant hypocrisy Graham's comments at yesterday's hearing may top the list. He said in his most histrionic style, "You’re looking for a fair process? You came to the wrong town, at the wrong time my friend,” Truer words were never spoken, but not in the context intended by Graham. The fact that we are even having these hearings is a testimony to the polluted process. Where was Graham when McConnell arbitrarily changed the rules and denied a hearing on Merrick Garland? Never in history have we had a presidential appointment tabled because of an election almost a year away. To keep piling on, why has the White House withheld 100K documents related to Kavanaugh under the guise of "executive privilege?" Where is Graham's outrage at this process corruption? Why does Graham oppose an FBI investigation of Kavanaugh's behavior? We are talking about a lifetime appointment here not president of the bowling league. Lindsey Graham has done an inexplicable "U-Turn" related to anything Trump in the last three months. His head is so far up Trump's ass that he can see Trump's tonsils from below. Does he forget that Trump is the one who released Graham's cell phone number during the Presidential debates? My cynical side says that the President has made a devil's deal with Graham or the Russians have some pretty incriminating information. You don't make such a radical turn without a reason. In the meantime we get to listen to Graham's hypocrisy as the Senate confirms Kavanaugh, as it inevitably will.

There is a Price for Fame

Everything in life seems to come with a price.  If you are a sports figure, you get booed if you are in a slump or visit your opposing teams' home stadium.  If you are actor, you are only as good as your last performance and sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not. If you are a writer, the critics can be brutal.  So you learn to take the rough spots and criticism in stride because you get the big bucks and fame that comes with being a public figure.  Why is it that the president hasn't learned that he may be in the most high profile position on earth.  No matter who is the president, statistically, at least 40% of the citizens are going to disagree with him not matter what he does.  "W" was constantly criticized for his WMD war and his 'unique' speaking style. Bill Clinton was constantly barraged by comments relative to  his visible dalliances, Jimmy Carter was constantly taken over the coals for his economic policies, and, of course, Barack Obama was subjected to an infinite amount of disrespect and obstruction. If you don't have the temperament to deal with this in a mature and philosophical way, you should choose a different profession. It is going to be a long, tortuous road if we witness the president (and his minions) react in a sophomoric and destructive manner every time someone criticizes the president, his policies, or his administration. Personally, I find it an embarrassment for the country and degrading to the office of the President..


Environmental Havoc

While Trump is creating havoc with his mismanagement of the immigration issue, and tweeting insults to everyone who doesn't view him as God's gift to the American voter, environmental protection is being insidiously sabotaged, mostly under the radar.  He is a master at creating smoke screens with his distraction tactics while real damage is being done inside a cloud of diversion.  Since being elected President, 67 environmental rules and regulations have been relaxed covering virtually every protection of our environment.  To quote the President of the Environmental Defense fund, "The Administration is eroding a 50-year bipartisan legacy of American health and environmental protection. It has suppressed taxpayer-funded public information, gagged the Environmental Protection Agency’s scientists, suspended its grants and contracts, and frozen federal protections that reduce harmful pollution. And its attacks on our environmental safeguards are just beginning."

The last sentence is telling.  "... the attacks on our environmental safeguards are just beginning."  Although our withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord may have been mostly symbolic, his executive and cabinet level directives are infinitely more damaging.  Lowering regulations on toxic air pollution, allowing fresh water pollution, reducing protection of endangered species, downsizing national monuments (Bear Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante), opening up oil and gas lease auctions are just a few of the actions that should scare anyone concerned about the legacy we are leaving our children.  One environmental expert says environmental enforcement under the EPA is at the lowest level in 24 years.

This administration in the name of economic growth and "payback" to its corporate supporters is willing to sacrifice our future and the future of this planet.  Where the hell are we going to move to when our environment is obliterated?  Mars? This is it folks, the one and only earth we have.  When November rolls around vote for no one who is not a strong advocate on environmental protection and realistically willing to confront climate change as an issue.



Denial of Service

I probably won't win any of my liberal friends with this post, but that is not my goal.  I am troubled by the denial of service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders at a restaurant in Lexington, VA. on Friday night.  I have no use for Trump's policies or the team that supports his amoral behavior.  However, when as a public business you start discriminating, it is a very slippery slope.  Sure, I get the anger of the restaurant owner, I feel it every day when I read the news and watch the childish, amateurish behavior of the current administration.  But, if public businesses discriminates against anybody with whom they disagree, where does it stop?  I live in S.C. a particularly  Red State.  If I have a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker, can the local service station deny me the right to fill my gas tank because he thinks Trump was sent by God?  Is this any different from a bakery refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple?  I think not.  I think the owner needs to 'suck it up,' because that's what running a public business is all about.  Hell, I can even get behind the owner politely telling SHS that she unalterably opposes her position on about everything, but then proceed to provide the same level of service as every other customer.  I believe this situation was little different from the scene in the Washington Mexican restaurant when Kristjen Nielsen was heckled out of the restaurant.  As I understand it, this was not a management denying service, but an angry group of customers.  It is more difficult to control private citizens voicing their anger than an owner taking unilateral decisions on who to serve or not serve.  These are very emotional times for sure, but when you are a public establishment civility and maturity needs to be high on your list of business practices.

Separating Children at the Border

Although 2/3 of American disapprove of separating families at the border, a majority of Republicans (58%) approve of this policy according to a CNN/SSRS poll released today. I know that I am unalterably opposed to most of what the Republican (Right) stands for, but this issue pushes me over the top in my opposition. Clearly, the majority who support this are cut from a different cloth than I am and redefine my concept of humanity and morality. How they could support a program that traumatizes innocent children and makes them political pawns is shameful! I have little use for people this callous.
